The mission of the Medical Reserves Corps (MRC) and Central NH Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is to improve the health and safety of communities within the Central NH Public Health Region (PHR) by organizing and utilizing medical, public health, and other volunteers.
The vision of MRC and CERT is to enhance regional public health medical and public safety emergency response capability.
Major local emergencies can overwhelm the capability of first-responders, especially during the first 12-72 hours. Having citizens who are prepared to take care of themselves, their families, and others during times of crisis will allow first-responders to focus their efforts on the most critical, life threatening situations.
An organized, well trained MRC/CERT unit means that volunteers can effectively respond to an emergency, are familiar with their community’s response plan, know what materials are available for their use, know who their partners in the response are, and know where their skills can be utilized to their best advantage and in a coordinated manner.